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Health and Wellbeing Educator

For Women Over 40

I’ve got to be honest with you, if you’re living a carefree, energised life, exercising your
brain and body, living with only positive thoughts, stepping into each day with an inner
excitement, then you don’t need my help.

If you don’t believe anyone could possibly live with all their “ducks in a row” as just
mentioned, then I have to tell you, some people do…. And you can too!

I know that life can be really hard sometimes. You might feel like your days are on replay.
Maybe your health has taken an unexpected turn, maybe you’re feeling obligated to do
something or be someone that doesn’t feel right for you, maybe you’re carrying the weight
of a strained or severed relationship, or you’re consumed in blame, shame, uncertainty,
anger…. fear.

Your brain believes everything you tell it. Hate to say it but….your life right now is a result
of the beliefs and stories you’ve created over time. Your life is exactly what you’ve allowed
it to be. If you don’t like it, you have everything within you to change it.

Whether you know exactly what you want for yourself to live an unstoppable, healthy life,
or you just know you can’t keep moving forward existing “like this”, you’ll find tips,
strategies, and inspiration below to help you sit in your driver’s seat and reset your GPS, so
you travel forward toward clarity and immunity to live your life on your terms.

Let’s get started on your new journey…..





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I often reflect back to how one decision made, at the age of 8, would place me on a journey that would become my career.

I was asked by a school friend to take jazz ballet lessons with her, and I was instantly hooked to moving to music, costumes, stage, lights, and performing.

After many years of dance, the world of aerobics consumed me in the late 1970's. I caught the fitness fever and knew at that time that the health and fitness industry was in my blood forever.

For years I worked full-time in an accounting office and taught fitness classes daily before and after work. I was wearing two hats – one to please my family, and one to be true to my passion. That started my people pleaser experiences, with opinions and criticism that tugged
at my emotions and filled me with confused thoughts.  All was etched onto my CD of life.

I met a guy when I was at school, fell in love, and dated him for 11 years until we married. Reflecting back… we were adolescents that grew into adults together. Adolescents that thought we knew it all, thought we had our relationship stitched up, thought that our emotions and young experiences would keep us together for a lifetime. Ummm – No! Just two years after we married, we were filing for divorce. Out came my CD, and all the negative experiences
were etched onto it to carry with me each day.

My life changed when I met my now husband. Blessed with a beautiful child (now an adult) and loads of support and love, I continued teaching health and fitness, along with managing and
owing health clubs, and today I devote my business energy, passion and self to helping people with transformational programs that improve their mental and physical health so they feel
unstoppable, live well and prevent current and future illness, pain and disease.

You will always be faced with positive and negative experiences. It’s knowing how to meet the challenges, how to shift behaviours and beliefs, set boundaries, understand your ageing body, know where you’re heading on your life journey, and plan the roadmap to get there. If you want a fresh start with a strong attitude and purpose, then please explore my website.

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